The size 37 pressure-resistant magnet is characterized by its exceptional reliability under critical operating conditions.
Extreme ambient and process temperatures from -40 to +135 °C
Strong vibrations 40 g
Large fluctuations in the supply voltage
The four point valve fastening is designed to secure the solenoids reliably and safely even in the presence of strong vibrations. The reduced anchor mass is designed to guarantee safe operation of the valve even at 40 g (11 ms, half-sine).
Tailored for mobile applications, the coil is designed to be able to perform lifting work even at 25% undervoltage. Thanks to appropriate lay-out design and material choice, the coil temperature will remain at uncritical levels even at 30% overvoltage.
Dimensions: 25x25mm, 35x35mm, 45x45mm, 60x60mm
The technical data can be found in the attached table.